Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Idea....

As I laid in bed awake last night, I finally made a decision.  I have been truly procrastinating on this blog (about six months now) as I tried to determine just what I wanted it to be.  I originally had all these great ideas about just posting projects I completed each week.  Well, if you are a procrastinator or love someone who is, you know that completing a project a week is like building a pyramid each day out of sand.  It seems impossible.

Now, I have wasted six months of truly documenting life as it happens here with a 2 year old and a 5 year old.  I promise, there is never a dull moment.  Therefore, I decided to simply turn this blog into my personal scrapbook.  Mainly filled with the kids and life....with a few projects that actually get completed scattered in there.  It is my hope that each week I will have a post about life, love, and maybe, just maybe, accomplishing things.

Let's see how this goes....

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